Shelter Dog Running Guidelines
Shelter Dog Running – Volunteer Guidelines
Thanks for coming out to exercise some shelter dogs. This is beneficial for several reasons.
1. The dogs love it and it is a real treat for them.
2. The shelter workers love it as it makes their jobs easier.
3. The dogs often will show better on Saturdays because they have drained some of their energy, and are thus more likely to be adopted out.
Please arrive between 8:50 and 9:00.
Please proceed straight back, past the front desk in the lobby, through the double doors. A Volunteer Coordinator will be there to greet you and help get you a dog.
I have asked our Volunteer Coordinators as well as the Shelter Staff to make sure to ask you what kind of dog you are comfortable with. We want you to be appropriately matched with your dog. For example, if you have never run with a dog before, or only weigh 100-125 pounds we will not give you a big high energy lab that weighs as much as you.
Please sign in. Wayside Waifs has a Waiver Sheet to sign, and please also sign in to the KC Dog Runners sheet as well.
Please grab one or two clean up bags. There are a few trash cans along the route, or you may simply carry the back back to the shelter, there is a trash can with a lid on it on the little island just before you turn in to the parking area. Please do not put poop bags in the trash can that is right by the front door of Wayside Waifs.
Might be a good idea to double tie your shoe laces – it can be challenging to stop and tie your shoes with a high energy dog on your leash.
When you are running, please follow the route provided, it’s ok if you turn around before the half way point. We just want to make sure everyone stays on the same route in case we were to ever need to come look for you.
Please always run on the left hand side of the road. This is important for two reasons: 1. you want to be able to see the cars coming at you. 2. This will prevent shelter dogs from having to pass by each other at close range, as the people on their way back to the shelter will be on the opposite side of the road from you.
Please DO NOT congregate in the shelter with the dogs. It is better to get your dog and head straight outside where there is more space, they are not always well socialized and we do not want anybody or and dogs to get bit. Some dogs do better than others, but as a general rule the dogs should not be allowed to touch each other (This is a Wayside Waifs rule.) Give people space when passing while out running.
If your dog is wet or dirty, please grab a towel and dry them off a bit before they go back into their kennel. Towels will be located on the chairs in the back just past the double doors.
Shelter workers will take your dog from you and put them back, you will not be expected to put your dog away.
Our running route is an “Out and Back” route. Once you reach the two mile point, as indicated on the map below, just turn around and go back the same way you came. Please do not go off the route.